Faraz Kaleem Malik

Personal website for a Computer Science student at UofT

Faraz Kaleem Malik | Personal website for a Computer Science student at UofT
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Hello! I’m Faraz Malik, a Computer Science student at UofT Scarbrough. My interests include web development, firmware, FOSS and Linux system administration. I’m currently the President of the UofT WHWC.

Example web dev projects:

UofT Weblogging and Homebrew Website Club: A handcrafted website and RSS pipeline to highlight various homebrew websites and blogs from the UofT community

Simpl.ai: A webapp that uses Google’s Bard to rephrase difficult text. Written for Hack the Valley 7 @ UTSC, winning 2nd place out of ~100.

gocomics-api: An open source npm package which scrapes gocomics.com for image links. Since being published in 2018, gained 10 stars on Github, ~1000 downloads on npm, and successful pull requests.